Who is behind Beverly Berlin

Wer steckt hinter Beverly Berlin - Beverly-Berlin

Hi, I'm Ulla. Born in Hesse, Germany in 1969, grew up in the wild 80 s and, after many different professional positions, ultimately switched to an upcycling designer. Fashion has always been my passion and so the step was obvious.

I taught myself how to sew when I was 15, as there was never the clothes I would have liked to buy. Fabric was bought, but also rummaged through second-hand shops and flea markets to find material. Basically that's where the upcycling career began. But my professional path was different at first.

In 2018 I thought back to my creative roots and wanted to create something with my own hands, preferably also something sustainable! First it was packing blankets that made bags-this is how the label "Jakobine Jakob" was created, named after my grandmother. Then a batch of worn shirts came into play and clothes were made from them. “Once upon a time there was a shirt” was created. The step to the tie was not far from the shirt and the next upcycling project LULAS Berlin was born.

Ulla Heinz aka Beverly Berlin

There's a little movie here About me. This is Anna Lieneke Stosch's final thesis

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